During lockdown and with everything cancelled I had the mad idea that I’d have a bash at a YouTube Channel. I’ve wanted to start one for a few months now but I was too worried about being VULNERABLE 😩 and looking ridiculous. I also hadn’t the faintest idea about recording, editing or whatever.
I’ve finally done it. I knew I’d be so disappointed in myself if I let my stupid petty fears stop me.
ANYWAY… I’ve uploaded a few videos and they’re a little clunky in places (it’s been and still is a huge learning curve!) and I can definitely tell I’m kinda nervous 🤪 but I’m hoping that will get better with experience.
My channel will cover everything I can think of when it comes to running as an older runner-all the ‘g’s’ it seems … my fave gear, gadgets, grub and the great outdoors!
Here is the link to the channel.
Huge THANK YOU in advance for taking a peek!